Carol Ross          artist


I am a color realist who loves the dramatic play of different hues on the canvas.  Using color complements next to one another creates great notes of interest.  Having the base color peak out through the other layers makes  the scene vibrate.   My paintings change with each lighting variance, so the viewer  can return again and again to see different nuances over time. I work with bold brush strokes to create shapes, while pushing the composition off the canvas for a contemporary editorial of what I see.

I have a wonderful studio for painting  where I work from my photos or do still lives, but often I paint plein air to capture the vivid colors of the current season. Landscapes are a key subject of my collection.  Rural upper Michigan, still lifes ,  marine scenes and florals are my favorites.

I paint oversize florals that capture the light on the petals of a bloom. Gardening and painting are one for me, so just like Claude Monet, I grow flowers, so I must paint them.  Flowers that have  architecture intrigue me,  so I often  find myself painting the vivid red poppies or  the stately irises.